Monday, October 8, 2012

Another Monday

Hey World,

Well, here we are on another Monday and even before I got to the job I was stressed.  Fun.  There was some sarcasm in there in case you didn't catch it.  I didn't really have anything else to add.  I was more or less just sitting here contemplating my Monday, looking to the long week ahead and wondering how best to get through it.  Sometimes that's all you can do.  There's a long road ahead of you, a flat barren landscape and the only thing in sight is the horizon.  You can complain about how far away that horizon is, but that's not going to bring it any closer.

Though, sometimes the complaining can at least burn off enough depression to get you motivated.  I suppose that's what this is.  I just need to put enough of my own problems out there in the universe to remember that it could be worse.  For me, it could be a lot worse.  That doesn't always make you feel better, but it's the slap in the face that could bring things back into focus.

I need that focus.  I need that horizon that's so far away.  And every day that goes by, every morning that my alarm goes off at 6:00 AM and I have to roll out of bed I'm getting closer.  Every fake smile I have to paste on my face and useless report I have to churn out is another step.

Because just over that horizon is a little house all my own.  A little house with a pretty garden and a big tree for shade, perhaps a couple dogs and a cat.  And in that little house I smile because I want to and do something that has meaning to me.  In that house, so close and so far, I've found my purpose.

I don't know how far the horizon is from where I am now, but I'm going to get to it.  I have to

In the meantime, if I have to wake up stressed on a Monday morning, at least I can wake up to a sky like this.  That's got to count for something.

Until next time.


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